
Preparing for Your Hair Transplant

concept image of man after hair transplant

Hair loss impacts the vast majority of men. In fact, roughly 85% of men experience balding by the time they turn 50. Despite hair loss impacting mostly older men, younger men are at risk as well. Roughly one-quarter of men experience genetic-related hair loss before they are 21 years old. A hair transplant can restore … Read more

Non-Surgical Alternatives to Facelifts

concept image showing options for non-surgical alternatives to facelifts

The aging process can impact the look of your skin. Fine lines, wrinkles, skin sagging, volume loss, and issues with texture can make you look much older than you are. Non-surgical alternatives to facelifts have a variety of benefits and can deliver comparable results. Non-Surgical Alternatives to Facelifts Depending on what issues you need to … Read more

Does Blepharoplasty Last Forever?

Woman who seems to be enjoying blepharoplasty forever

As you age, the first signs often show up around your eyes. Fine lines, wrinkles, sagging skin, and puffy eyelids can make you look tired and much older than you are. However, cosmetic intervention can help take years off your face for the long run. You may wonder, does blepharoplasty last forever? Below you will … Read more

How Hair Restoration Transforms Your Life

man with hair restoration that transforms his life

While hair loss is a natural part of aging, it can make you look much older than you are. This can impact your confidence and make you feel less attractive. Despite hair loss being highly common among men, it still is a sore subject due to the negative connotations associated with being bald. There are … Read more

Best Age for a Hair Transplant

Older man who can also have a hair transplant

Hair loss is a highly common condition that impacts both men and women. However, the condition is more common in men, and often happens at an earlier age. Roughly two-thirds of men lose their hair before the age of 35, and more than 85% of men experience hair loss by the age of 50. Hair … Read more

Does a Brow Lift Leave Scars?

woman checking if brow lift can leave scars

A brow lift is procedure that raises your eyebrows and improves the overall appearance of your forehead, brows, and upper eye area. It works by raising the soft tissue and skin on your forehead and brow areas. A brow lift is a great treatment option for those impacted by the signs of aging, such as … Read more

Does Smoking Cause Droopy Eyelids?

Woman wondering if smoking can cause droopy eyelids

Droopy eyelids impact nearly 12% of adults. The issues can negatively impact your vision in addition to your physical appearance. Droopy eyelids are also referred to as “ptosis.” Several factors can impact your eyelids and cause them to droop. You may wonder, does smoking cause droopy eyelids? The impact of smoking can cause a number … Read more

How Younger Will I Look After FaceTite?

Woman looking to see her younger results after facetite

Certain lifestyle factors and the effects of natural aging can have a negative impact on your skin. The effects of aging often impact your face first, making you look much older and tired. There are a variety of cosmetic procedures that can help you achieve your desired aesthetic. However, one of the most effective non-invasive … Read more

Why Are My Eyebrows Sagging?

Woman lying down wondering why her eyebrows are sagging.

Sagging eyebrows can be caused by a variety of factors. No matter what the cause, the effect of sagging eyebrows makes you look tired and much older than you are. You may wonder, why are my eyebrows sagging? It may be certain lifestyle factors, aging, or even genetics. Below you will find more information on … Read more

FaceTite or a Facelift? Which Is Better?

Facetite or facelift? Woman trying to decide which is better.

The effects of natural aging and poor lifestyle habits can have a major impact on your face. Fines lines, wrinkles, sagging skin, and volume loss can impact your confidence and self-esteem. However, there are a variety of cosmetic procedures that can improve the look of your skin. Choosing the right procedure to address your needs … Read more