Hyaluronic acid helps the skin maintain its natural structure and volume. Over time, the body’s natural supply of hyaluronic acid dwindles, and the effects show.
As the body loses hyaluronic acid, the cheeks lose their fullness and volume, and the skin in the mid-face region begins to sag. This gives the face a prematurely aged expression.
JUVÉDERM VOLUMA™ XC is the first product FDA-approved to correct age-related volume loss in the cheeks for adults over the age of 21. When injected, the hyaluronic acid-based product subtly lifts and contours the cheeks for a more youthful looking face. Results last up to two years.
About the JUVÉDERM VOLUMA™ XC Procedure
The JUVÉDERM VOLUMA™ XC procedure is non-surgical and takes place during a short office visit. Treatment involves a series of injections which typically take about 15 minutes. Small amounts of JUVÉDERM VOLUMA™ XC gel are injected into the deep layers of the skin. The gel contains lidocaine, a numbing agent, and additional anesthetic is not needed. The treated areas may be gently massaged.
What Can JUVÉDERM VOLUMA™ XC Injections Help?
JUVÉDERM VOLUMA™ XC is designed for the treatment of flattened or sagging cheeks. It lifts sagging skin and adds fullness and contour to the cheek area.
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His lower eyelid repair after skin cancer provided remarkable results…
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How Can I Learn More?
You can learn more about JUVÉDERM VOLUMA™ XC during a consultation with Dr. McCracken. At your appointment, Dr. McCracken will examine your face and inquire about your specific goals and needs. He will explore your available treatment options and advise whether JUVÉDERM VOLUMA™ XC is the appropriate treatment. Request an appointment online or call the McCracken Eye and Face Institute today at 720-851-6600 to schedule an appointment.