Category: Uncategorized

Tips For Improving Your Brow Lift Results

featured image for tips for improving your brow lfit results

When undergoing any complex surgery, it gives one peace of mind to feel like the results of whatever procedure is taking place are going to last for quite some time. Below we cover top tips for improving your brow lift results. Tips For Improving Your Brow Lift Results This is no different for endoscopic brow … Read more

Best Benefits of Eyelid Lifts

Best benefits of eyelid lifts.

Your eyes are often referred to as the window to your soul. Your eyes can express a lot of emotion and communicate non-verbally. However, the effects of natural aging can impact the look of your eyes. Because the skin around your eyes is susceptible to the effects of aging, it can impact your confidence and … Read more

How Often Should You Wash Your Hair?

Woman in shower washing her hair

While beauty trends have come and gone for decades, one trend that has run the test of time revolves around washing your hair. For years experts have been saying the less you wash your hair the better. While each person’s hair and scalp are different, the trend seems to have had some definite truth to it. There is no solid numeric answer as to how long you should go without washing. However, if you pay attention to your hair you can find the right balance for how long you should wait between washings. A lot also depends on your hair type, texture, and your daily routine.

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More Men Seeking Cosmetic Treatment


Facial plastic surgeons around the country, including Dr. Michael McCracken of McCracken Eye and Face Institute, have noticed an uptick in men requesting cosmetic treatment. Dr. McCracken is pleased to serve men (and women) throughout the Denver areas seeing a rejuvenated appearance and a boost in confidence; he offers a variety of procedures to help everyone achieve their desired results. Here, the doctor discusses the rise in men seeking cosmetic treatment.

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Eyelid Surgery Aftercare


Recovery is a topic that comes up often in the eyelid surgery consultation. Eyelid surgery does not typically require a hospital stay, so patients return home shortly after the procedure. It is common for patients to ask many questions about how to care for themselves at home after surgery. As a reference, Dr. Michael McCracken has put together a short guide for eyelid surgery aftercare. Patients seeking eyelid surgery in Denver should consult with Dr. McCracken.

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