Category: NeoGraft

What Is the Healing Process Like after NeoGraft?


Candidates considering the NeoGraft hair transplant system often ask Dr. Michael McCracken what the healing process entails. How long does it last? Is there pain? As with any surgery, every patient heals differently. However, Dr. McCracken, a facial plastic surgery specialist in Denver, is happy to tell interested NeoGraft candidates that one of the reasons why NeoGraft is so popular is that most of the time, recovery downtime is minimal. Here, Dr. McCracken goes into more detail about the NeoGraft healing process.

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Am I a Good Candidate for NeoGraft?


For the right candidates, NeoGraft can be a life-changing procedure. With fuller, thicker hair, men and women experience a more attractive appearance and greater confidence. If you are considering the procedure but unsure whether you meet the candidacy requirements, read on as Denver facial plastic surgeon Dr. Michael McCracken explains the qualifications. 

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NeoGraft: What to Expect During the Treatment


NeoGraft is an innovative way to transplant hair and create natural looking results. With a skilled hair transplant surgeon at the helm, the NeoGraft device can harvest large numbers of grafts quickly and with consistently excellent outcomes. If you are seeking a solution for hair loss, NeoGraft might be right for you. Here, Dr. Michael McCracken, who offers NeoGraft to Denver patients at McCracken Eye and Face Institute, explains what typically happens during the treatment.

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