Dermatochalasis (Baggy Upper Eyelids)
As we age, the skin around the eyes can lose its elasticity and the connective tissue of the eyelid can weaken. These changes may cause the upper eyelid skin to droop and sag. In some cases, the excess, loose eyelid skin can sag low enough to cause significant effects on peripheral vision, a condition known as dermatochalasis. When this happens, insurance may cover upper eyelid surgery in Denver.

This condition is most common in elderly people, especially in those fifty and older, though people with genetic tendencies may develop baggy eyelids even earlier. In some cases, patients with baggy eyelids try to improve their vision by frequently elevating their brows. This can lead to recurrent headaches, fatigue, and other irritations.
Upper eyelid surgery can help correct baggy eyelids by removing excess skin and fat in order to restore lost peripheral vision. facial plastic surgery provider Dr. Michael McCracken performs this procedure by making a small incision hidden in the natural eyelid fold to remove excess skin and fat. The upper eyelid surgery procedure takes about 30 minutes and can be done with local anesthesia in an office setting or in the operating room with IV sedation. Postoperative discomfort is minimal, and most patients can expect to return to normal activities within a week. Stitches are removed at a postoperative visit, usually about a week after the procedure, and most patients can resume wearing makeup and contacts at that time. Dermatochalasis may be seen together with ptosis of the eyelids and the eyebrows.
Excess and loose skin around the eyelids can cause:
- Loss of peripheral vision
- Difficulty reading or driving
- Fatigue and headaches from straining to see
- Irritation of the upper eyelid skin (dermatitis)
Extremely Skilled and Personable
His lower eyelid repair after skin cancer provided remarkable results…
– Tammy

Dr. McCracken will meet with you to assess your individual situation and discuss any possible risks that you may experience. Request an appointment online or call the McCracken Eye and Face Institute today at 720-851-6600 to set up an appointment for a consultation with Dr. Michael McCracken. As an experienced oculoplastic surgeon, Dr. McCracken performs a number of cosmetic and reconstructive procedures. He treats conditions such as ptosis, entropion and thyroid eye disease.