Dermal Fillers in Denver

Restore Facial Volume and Reduce Deep Wrinkles with Injectables and Dermal Fillers
Dermal fillers address this volume loss by filling in deep wrinkles and folds, and can also be used to restore volume loss in the lips. A new, exciting application for dermal fillers is filling in the area around the bags under the eyes. There are a number of filler categories available to address these issues.
Dermal Fillers
Denver facial plastic surgeon Dr. Michael McCracken uses a variety of hyaluronic acid fillers, which are longer lasting than collagen and have a high safety profile. These fillers all have added local anesthetic to maximize patient comfort. Hyaluronic acid is a substance found naturally in human skin that helps provide skin with fullness, hydration, and elasticity. When skin ages and loses hyaluronic acid, fullness is diminished and wrinkles and deep folds can develop, especially around the eyes, nose, and mouth. Dermal fillers such as Restylane®, Perlane®, Juvéderm® Ultra, and Juvéderm® Ultra Plus help replace lost hyaluronic acid, restoring facial volume with subtle and natural-looking results that can last up to six months, and in some cases, up to a year. Simultaneous use of Neurotoxin Cosmetic in Colorado has been shown to prolong the effect of these fillers.
About Restylane® and Restylane Lyft®
Available in more than 70 countries around the globe, Restylane® is the world’s best- selling dermal filler. Both Restylane® and Restylane Lift® are designed to treat moderate to severe facial wrinkles by restoring volume in the skin for great, natural-looking results. Restylane Lift® is composed of larger gel particles and is meant to be injected deeper into the skin. With Restylane Lyft® treatments, your skin will look refreshed and rejuvenated, with results that typically last about six months.About Restylane® Blepharoplasty
Dr. McCracken offers his patients a non-surgical eyelift by performing a Restylane® Blepharoplasty. Restylane® Blepharoplasty can restore fullness and volume to the eyes by filling in the hollow areas with Restylane®. Restylane® has also been used treat under eye dark circles.About Juvéderm® Ultra and Juvéderm® Ultra Plus
Juvéderm® Ultra and Juvéderm® Ultra Plus are hyaluronic acid fillers made up of a smooth, consistent injectable gel that smoothes away facial wrinkles and lines to restore a radiant, youthful look to the face. The first hyaluronic acid filler FDA-approved to last up to one year, Juvéderm® Ultra provides a smooth, natural facial contour and volume, while Juvéderm® Ultra Plus is designed for deeper injection to correct more significant folds and wrinkles.
Very pleased with the results
I was pleasantly surprised that my fillers procedure were pain free….
– Michaela
About the Dermal Filler Procedure
Dr. McCracken performs dermal filler injections in the office using topical anesthesia or nerve blocks. The procedure takes about twenty minutes, and there is only minimal discomfort. Patients can resume normal activities immediately.
Choosing a Dermal Filler
Dr. Michael McCracken has been chosen by other physicians to be a member of the Neurotoxin and Juvéderm® National Education Faculty. He can help you decide which cosmetic filler might work best for your individual situation.
Dermal fillers can help…
Dermal fillers are a great way to restore volume to areas of the face and to fill in lines and wrinkles. Dermal fillers can also help:
- Smooth lines and wrinkles
- Even out deep creases and furrows
- Fill in “hollowed” areas
- Restore fullness and balance to the face
- Soften “parenthesis” lines around the mouth
- Reduce the appearance of lower lid bags
- Add fullness to the lips
FAQs About Dermal Fillers

Schedule your Consultation for Dermal Filler Treatment in Denver
Dr. McCracken will meet with you to assess your individual situation and discuss dermal fillers in Denver, CO. Request an appointment online or call the McCracken Eye and Face Institute today at 720-851-6600 to schedule an appointment for a consultation with facial plastic surgeon Dr. Michael McCracken.
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