How NeoGraft Differs From Other Hair Transplants

How NeoGraft Differs From Other Hair Transplants

Growing bald is rarely a fun experience. Losing hair can be temporary or permanent, but it always tends to leave you feeling less than confident about your appearance. You might have tried various hair restoration methods to grow hair back but have yet to be successful. Over time, this lack of success can leave you frustrated and resigned to balding. If this is the case, you might be the perfect candidate for NeoGraft hair restoration treatment. You might wonder how NeoGraft differs from other hair transplants. The team at McCracken Eye and Face Institute in Colorado explains the procedure so you can begin restoring your hair today.


Traditional Hair Transplants

Traditional methods of hair restoration typically include a donor site from another part of your body. The surgeon will carefully remove healthy follicles from one spot and transplant them onto the balding parts of your scalp. The practice encourages new hair growth using your own natural follicles.


Types of Hair Transplants

There are two main types of hair transplants:

FUT restoration involves removing small patches of skin containing many follicles and transplanting the skin to the new surgery site. This can save time during the surgery process but tends to leave some visible scarring. 

FUE restoration, on the other hand, can take many hours and might even require multiple operation sessions. This treatment works by meticulously removing individual follicles from a donor site, usually the back or another part of your scalp. The surgeon then individually places each follicle onto your scalp to leave a smooth and scar-free surgical site.

NeoGraft offers a third alternative for patients who are worried about the surgical aspects of the procedure. NeoGraft uses a similar hair transplant process without requiring any surgery.


How NeoGraft Differs From Other Hair Transplants

NeoGraft hair restoration is an alternative to surgery or hair plugs that yields real results. It is an FDA-approved procedure that requires no surgery to complete. 

With a Neograft Hair Restoration Treatment, you can expect:

  • Individual hair follicles to be taken from the lush parts of your head and non-surgically transplanted to sections of your head that need more hair
  • A custom-made plan to ensure that your newly-grown hair matches the shape and style of your face
  • No incisions, stitches, or scars

The basics alone are cause for excitement, but NeoGraft also offers the benefit of a fast, accessible, and virtually painless recovery. Since it requires no surgery, NeoGraft Hair Restoration opens doors to those who are balding but may not be able to undergo surgery. It also helps those who have grown tired of using implants, hairpieces, or plugs—especially ones that do little to cover up the underlying issue. 


The NeoGraft Implant Procedure

NeoGraft takes from the sides and back of the scalp rather than the top or front. This results in no visible scar tissue after the procedure, and, because the hair on the sides and back of the head is more plentiful, the donor sites grow the hair right back, so hair looks full on all parts of the head.

NeoGraft Hair Restoration technicians also stagger the follicles on your head, creating a more natural and diverse look. You can meet with our NeoGraft specialists to create a custom treatment plan that works best for you. 


Restore and Maintain Healthy Hair with NeoGraft!

NeoGraft Hair Restoration can grant you a full, natural-looking hairline by using your own healthy hair follicles—and without requiring any surgery. If you want to learn more about the process and schedule a consultation about NeoGraft Hair Restoration, contact Dr. McCracken right away. He is a board-certified, fellowship-trained oculoplastic surgeon with years of experience performing specialized procedures like NeoGraft. Schedule a consultation today and start your journey towards better hair health tomorrow.

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